

The Novari Access to Care Platform™ includes a series of integrated software modules providing surgical wait list management, eReferral, referral management, central intake, and care coordination.

Novari Solutions

eBooking chirurgical, utilisation des salles d’opération, normalisation préopératoire et gestion des listes d’attente

The Novari ATC™ module is widely used by hospitals and across health regions to increase elective surgery throughput by improved OR utilization, enhanced surgical wait list management, and the paperless eBooking of cases from the surgeon offices to the hospital booking offices. In real time, Novari ATC™ complements and integrates with each hospitals’ surgical information system (e.g., Cerner, Meditech, Picis, SIS, etc.).

eReferral, Central Intake, Workflow Management, Referral Management, and Care Coordination

Novari eRequest® can be configured to route and manage any type of healthcare request, referral, or requisition for any type of healthcare service (i.e., diabetes, surgical, GP to specialist, ambulatory clinics, palliative care, diagnostic imaging, mental health, addictions, long-term care, etc.). It is highly configurable software, supporting the coordination of care for various referral workflow use cases at individual hospitals or across health regions. The scalability and flexibility allows for each instance of the system to be configured to meet local needs and local workflows.

Soutenir les hôpitaux et les régions sanitaires dans l’amélioration et la coordination de l’accès aux soins pour les services de santé mentale et de toxicomanie.

Regional and hospital central intake models have demonstrated they improve access to care for patients seeking mental health and addition services. The Novari Mental Health & Addiction (MHA) software improves the referral, intake, triage, routing, receiving, and processing of referrals. Le système reconnaît la complexité de l’accès coordonné aux services de santé mentale et est évolutif pour gérer des volumes élevés d’orientations avec des flux de travail complexes.

Requisition Management, Workflow Management, and eProtocolling

The Novari Medical Imaging Requisition Management™ (MIRM) software module eliminates paper and dramatically improves the department’s requisition workflows for radiologists, technologists, clerical staff, and hospital leadership.

Regional Surgical Coordination, Wait List Management, Analytics, and Interactive Mapping

Le Novari Centralized Regional Surgical Wait List Management HUB™ consolide en temps réel les informations sur les cas de listes d’attente chirurgicales des hôpitaux d’une région, ce qui permet une coordination régionale des services chirurgicaux. Using wait list management, analytics and interactive mapping, this innovative software supports ministries of health, regional health executives, hospital leadership, surgical service managers, chiefs of surgery, and individual surgeons to manage and coordinate surgical services.

Gestion de l’accueil, de l’orientation et du flux de travail pour tous les services cliniques du département de cardiologie.

Le module logiciel Novari Cardiac Services Referral Management™ permet aux programmes de cardiologie en milieu hospitalier d’éliminer le papier et d’améliorer les flux de travail d’orientation du programme pour les cardiologues, le personnel de bureau, la direction de l’hôpital et les responsables. Le système est hautement configurable et peut être personnalisé pour répondre à une variété de flux de travail (par exemple, laboratoire de cathétérisme, rythme cardiaque, électrophysiologie, etc.)

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