Novari ATC

Surgical eBooking, Operating Theatre Utilisation, Pre-Operative Standardisation, & Waiting List Management

The Novari ATC module is widely used by hospitals and across trusts, integrated care systems, and regions to increase elective surgery throughput by improved operating theatre utilisation, enhanced surgical wait list management, and the paperless eBooking of cases from the surgeon offices to the hospital’s booking offices. In real time, Novari ATC complements and integrates with each hospitals’ surgical information system (e.g., Oracle Cerner, Meditech, Picis, SIS, etc.).

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Waiting List Management

The management of waiting lists from the first referral to the booking of the patient’s operation/procedure can be managed by clinicians and/or patient access teams. Colour  coded wait lists for individual clinicians or specialty teams help ensure that the right patients are scheduled for operations/procedures at the right time. Patients who are approaching or over wait time targets are easily identified.

Improved Operating Theatre Utilisation

Novari ATC uses individual clinicians historical procedure times along with set up and clean up times to help ensure theatre slots are being optimally utilised. Theatre utilisation is calculated and displayed in real time to the users so they can schedule patients appropriately. This avoids the underutilisation of scarce theatre time and the expensive overbooking of theatre slots. Trusts can configure the system to reflect and enforce their individual booking policies.

Integrated eBookings

Streamline the booking process for operations and procedures by receiving all “booking requests” electronically and paperlessly from the outpatient teams and clinicians to your existing scheduling system, including required documents (e.g., clinical history diagnostics, pre-op assessments etc.). The software improves the booking clerks’ ability to manage incoming bookings while providing leadership with tools to better understand the real time volume of wait listed cases in the pipeline.

Scalability and Flexibility

Novari ATC can be deployed at a single hospital site, across a trust, whole ICS health region, or clinical network. We recognise the wide variation in the workflows across individual acute hospital sites, within trusts, specialty teams, and access to care teams. The Novari ATC module easily accommodates these variations via hundreds of configuration settings.

Accurate Real-Time, Effortless Reporting

Novari ATC brings innovation and simplicity to waiting time reporting, to meet local and national targets. It’s a proven and invaluable tool for those responsible for reporting waiting times, enabling effective allocation/redirection of resources to meet waiting time targets. Novari ATC automatically feeds, in real-time, accurate wait time information to national waiting list reporting, as well as strengthening the effectiveness of the ICS’s wait time management.

Pre-Operative Assessment

The optional Novari pre-operative screening (PSS™) module functionality can use local or national clinical best practice directives (i.e., GIRFT), to automatically determine the type of pre-admission clinic (PAC) appointment and/or pre-operative diagnostic testing appropriate for each patient. In a patient-centric approach, scheduling of pre-op assessments can be scheduled at the same time as the procedure booking by the care teams. Standardised preoperative screening is proven to reduce clinically unnecessary tests and expensive last-minute operating theatre cancellations while improving patient safety.

Shorter Wait Times

Increase volumes and shorten waiting lists by improving operating theatre utilisation. Create specialty lists of patients in Novari ATC to provide faster access to operations and procedures. Using pooled lists, appropriate patients can be placed on a single list to be scheduled with the “next available” theatre slot.

Analytics & Resource Optimisation

Understand in real-time the volume of cases in the pipeline (both scheduled and not yet scheduled) and demand for resources by department and services. Cases can be filtered by diagnosis, urgency, procedure, service, demographics, etc.

Improved Communication and Coordination

The perioperative process is complex and involves the coordination of many individuals and departments. The Novari ATC messaging functionality and real-time information lets the clinical teams, scheduling offices, booking teams, and the pre-admission clinics securely and electronically communicate with each other. All new requests, changes, and cancellations become transparent to those involved in the perioperative process. No more telephone tag and full email boxes.


Novari ATC integrates and complements existing hospital theatre and enterprise scheduling information systems (e.g., Oracle Health, Meditech, etc.). Robust, real-time, two-way scheduling interfaces ensure complete accurate data transmission and reduce errors and risks to patients otherwise seen in a paper process.

Connect with Angela to learn more about Novari ATC.

Angela Single,
Director, Business Development UK

Dr. David Puskas
Orthopedic Surgeon, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

“I would recommend the Novari solution 100% to other surgical teams in the province. Unequivocally, it’s allowed us to take our program and actually turn it into a business model which has given us enormous credibility with both our hospital, our region, and the Ministry of Health. As a direct result, we have more money being fed into our program than we would have had otherwise.”


Powerful alone. Better together.

Novari Centralised Regional Surgical Wait List Management HUB, our regional surgical coordination, wait list management, analytics, and interactive mapping technology provides enhanced data, interactive mapping, and analytics for Novari ATC and provides enhanced real-time surgical analytics across your entire region or province.

Want to learn more about how we can transform your surgical booking and wait list management processes?

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